Southwest Science School (also referred to as SWSS) recognises it has a duty and responsibility to safeguard and promote the safety and welfare of young people and adults. SWSS is fully committed to the well-being of all its learners, volunteers, staff and affiliated persons. SWSS actively promotes the positive welfare of all learners, young people, adults, and those with additional needs, and expects all staff and partners to practise this commitment at all times.
SWSS regards each learner as a unique individual and seeks to support their development in ways which will foster confidence, independence, and security. We recognise that high self-esteem, support, a safe and secure environment, and clear lines of communication with trusted adults helps all learners. These are regarded as central to the well-being of the individual and are seen to be an essential part of the curriculum, and ethos of SWSS.
We believe no one should ever experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all learners. The most recent review of this policy was 07.12.24 by managing director Joanne Dale.
The aim of this policy is to safeguard:
All learners at SWSS, including young people, adults, and those with additional needs.
SWSS and all its staff and partners in carrying out their duties in teaching/tutoring and supporting learners by distance learning.
This policy applies to:
All learners, including young people, adults, and those who have additional learning/support needs.
All members of staff of SWSS, as well as volunteers or anyone working on behalf of SWSS.
1. Introduction
1.1 Southwest Science school (SWSS) is committed to ensuring the highest possible standard of safeguarding. The personal safety and wellbeing of each student and tutor using SWSS is paramount.
1.2 Our site and off site systems are developed with the aim of ensuring that services take place in a safe environment. Student dashboards operate under Moodle. The site is secure. Students are able to contact each and a tutor via messenger on their dashboard. Users can search for other users they know by name. SWSS are not responsible and do not monitor the messages sent. It is the named guardian's responsibility for the cyber safety of the student. In the event the student is over 18 years old their cyber safety is their own responsibility. You may alter your messenger settings via your dashboard to prevent users contacting you. Zoom is used for live drop in sessions. The tutor monitors students entering and leaving at all times. Only students with appropriate log in details can enter. Any other groups both on and offline are not affiliated or moderated by SWSS. Any other off site communication is not under the control of SWSS and therefore not under our responsbility.
1.3 The following sections set out the procedures that should be followed if a safeguarding incident occurs.
1.4 The safety and wellbeing of any student or other person using SWSS is paramount. These procedures aim to ensure a prompt response to any incident and to minimise any further harm to a student or other person.
1.5 There are differing severities of behaviour which could be witnessed during a live drop in session. Some behaviour would warrant only a report to SWSS; other behaviour maybe of a more serious nature where a direct report to the police may be necessary.
1.6 Each section below sets out the recommended procedure which should be followed. It is always the responsibility of the person alerted to the incident to take some action to protect the student or other person. SWSS will not be responsible for any non-compliance with the recommended procedure.
1.7 The procedures are not an exhaustive list; therefore if an incident occurs that is not covered in this document you are advised to contact SWSS, or the police if you believe that it may be a criminal matter.
2. Tutors
If a tutor sees/experiences:
2.1 Inappropriate or offensive language
Inappropriate or offensive language here is defined as anything that is not related to the course specification and could cause offence to other individuals or groups. This includes but it not restricted to derogatory language, statements and sentences linking to specific individuals, targeted attacks, coercion, politics, sex, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle and religion.
The tutor will request, in a polite manner, that the student or other persons using inappropriate or offensive language refrains from doing. If the language continues the tutor will explain that they will terminate the non-live correspondence due to the language and will report the matter to SWSS who will decide on any further use of the service by the student or other person involved. In the event the language is used in a live session the student will be removed from the session. The parent or guardian stated at purchase will be notified via the email provided by them. The tutor will have no further contact with the student unless by mutual agreement with SWSS and the parent or guardian. Any unsolicited contact from the student or other persons following the termination of the session should be reported to SWSS.
2.2 Inappropriate behaviour
Inappropriate behaviour here is defined as anything that involves but is not limited to intentional nudity, aggression, or coercive acts that are not the result of a special educational need.
The tutor will request, in a polite manner, that the student or other persons involved in the inappropriate behaviour refrains from the behaviour during the tutorial session. If the behaviour continues the tutor will explain that they will remove them from the live session or cease the conversation and will report the matter to SWSS who will decide on any further use of the service by the student or other person involved. The parent or guardian stated at purchase will be notified via the email provided by them. The tutor should have no further contact with the student unless by mutual agreement with SWSS. Any unsolicited contact from the student or other persons following the termination of the session should be reported to SWSS.
2.3 Inappropriate or abusive images
Any display of adult pornographic still or moving images whilst in the presence of a student may constitute an offence under UK law. Any tutor witnessing the display of adult pornographic images by or towards a student should explain that the images should not be displayed during a tutorial session, terminate the session and report the matter to SWSS. The parent or guardian stated at purchase will be notified via the email provided by them.
2.3.1 Any display of child abuse images or indecent images of a child (for these purposes, a ‘child’ is defined as anyone under the age of 18 years) is an offence under UK law. Any tutor witnessing a display of indecent still or moving images of a child by or in the presence of a student should explain that due to the nature of the images they will terminate the session. The term images here includes deep fakes. The tutor should then inform the UK police. The tutor should also inform SWSS of the incident to ensure any recordings can be preserved and made available for any police investigation. The tutor should have no further contact with the student or any other person involved in the incident. Any unsolicited contact from the student or other persons following the termination of the session should be reported to the police and SWSS immediately.
2.3.2 This action should be taken so that the correct authorities can be alerted and can deal appropriately with the incident.
2.3.3 The display of any other images perceived to be inappropriate, either due to the age of the student or the content of the image shall be reported to SWSS at the discretion of the parent/responsible adult. Images in this context include but are not restricted to digital and non-digital drawings and animations.
2.4 Disclosure of/witness to abuse towards or in the presence of a student
Any physical or sexual abuse of a child is an offence under UK law. If a tutor receives information about such abuse from the student or other person present they should reassure the person that they can get assistance for them. It is the responsibility of the tutor to contact the UK police and report what has been witnessed.
2.4.1. If the tutor witnesses any such abuse at first-hand they should immediately contact the police and report the incident. The tutor should also inform SWSS of the incident to ensure any recordings can be preserved and made available for any police investigation. The tutor should have no further contact with the student or other person involved in the incident. Any unsolicited contact from the student or other persons following the termination of the session should be reported to the police and SWSS immediately.
2.5 Disclosure of inappropriate/sensitive information
During a tutorial session sensitive information may be offered by a student or other person present. If the information relates to any kind of abuse the tutor should refer to ‘Disclosure of/witness to abuse towards or in the presence of a student’, above. The student or other person present should be discouraged from disclosing sensitive information by the tutor. If the information continues to be shared the tutor will determine the impact of the information and decide whether to continue or terminate the session and report the incident to SWSS.
2.6 Any information disclosed regarding the safety of a child should always be reported immediately to the UK police.
2.7 No student should share their address, location or meet outside of SWSS with any member of staff, volunteer, student or any affiliate of SWSS without parental or guardian permission obtained from both student and other party.
3. Students
If a student sees/experiences:
3.1 Inappropriate language
Inappropriate or offensive language here is defined as anything that is not related to the course specification and could cause offence to other individuals or groups. This includes but it not restricted to derogatory language, statements and sentences linking to specific individuals, targeted attacks, coercion, politics, sex, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle and religion.
The student should terminate the live session or non-live conversation and inform a parent/responsible adult of the person using inappropriate language. The student and/or adult should contact admin@swscienceschool.co.uk to report the incident. In the event the language originated from this email please use jo@swscienceschool.co.uk.
The language will be assessed by SWSS. The student and parent/responsible adult should have no further contact with the tutor unless by mutual agreement with SWSS until assessment is complete. Any unsolicited contact from the tutor after termination of the session should be reported to the SWSS.
The person using inappropriate language will be given a maximum of three written and verbal warning stating the issue with the language used. After this termination from the role or course is possible. If termination from the course is administered no refund will be given.
3.2 Inappropriate behaviour
Inappropriate behaviour here is defined as anything that involves but is not limited to intentional nudity, aggression, or coercive acts that are not the result of a special educational need.
The student should inform a parent/responsible adult of the person using inappropriate behaviour.
The student and/or adult should contact admin@swscienceschool.co.uk to report the incident. In the event the lbehaviour originated from this email please use jo@swscienceschool.co.uk.
The behaviour will be assessed by SWSS. The student and parent/responsible adult should have no further contact with the offending person unless by mutual agreement with SWSS until assessment is complete. Any unsolicited contact from the offending person after termination of the session should be reported to the SWSS.
The person using inappropriate language will be given a maximum of three written and verbal warning stating the issue with the language used. After this termination from the role or course is possible. If termination from the course is administered no refund will be given.
3.3 Inappropriate or Abusive images
Any display of adult pornographic still or moving images whilst in the presence of another student, staff, volunteer or any affiliate of SWSS may constitute an offence under UK law. Any student witnessing the display of adult pornographic images by or towards a student should tell their parent, guardian or a member of SWSS. The parent or guardian should contact SWSS via email admin@swscienceschool.co.uk. If the image(s) originated from this email please use jo@swscienceschool.co.uk.
3.3.1 Any display of child abuse images or indecent images of a child (for these purposes, a ‘child’ is defined as anyone under the age of 18 years) is an offence under UK law. Any student witnessing a display of indecent still or moving images of a child by or in the presence of a student should leave the session or conversation immediately. The term images here includes deep fakes. Upon notification SWSS will inform the UK police and ensure, to the best of their ability, evidence is preserved and made available for any police investigation. The offender will be terminated from their position or course immediately until the police have assessed the information. Any unsolicited contact from the student or other persons following the termination of the session should be reported to the police and SWSS immediately.
3.3.2 This action should be taken so that the correct authorities can be alerted and can deal appropriately with the incident.
3.3.3 The display of any other images perceived to be inappropriate, either due to the age of the student or the content of the image shall be reported to SWSS at the discretion of the parent/responsible adult. Images in this context include but are not restricted to digital and non-digital drawings and animations.
3.4 Disclosure of/witness to abuse
Any physical or sexual abuse of a person is an offence under UK law. If a student receives information about such abuse from the tutor or other person present they should immediately inform a parent/responsible adult. It is the responsibility of the parent/responsible adult to contact the UK police and report what was witnessed.
3.4.1. If the student witnesses any such abuse at first-hand they should immediately contact a parent/responsible adult who should immediately inform the UK police. The parent/responsible adult should also inform SWSS of the incident to ensure that any recordings can be preserved and made available for any police investigation. The student, parent/responsible adult should have no further contact with the tutor involved in the incident. Any unsolicited contact from the tutor following the termination of the session should be reported to the parent/responsible adult immediately.
3.4.1 This action should be taken so the correct authorities can be alerted and can deal appropriately with the incident.
3.5. Disclosure of inappropriate/sensitive information
During a tutorial session sensitive information may be offered by a student, member of staff, volunteer or affiliate of SWSS (If the information relates to any kind of abuse the student should refer to ‘Disclosure of/Witness to abuse’). The student, member of staff, volunteer or affiliate of SWSS will be discouraged from disclosing sensitive information. In the event they continue please report to admin@swscienceschool.co.uk. In the event the sensitive information originated from this email please use jo@swscienceschool.co.uk.
Any information disclosed regarding the safety of a child should always be immediately reported to the UK police.
3.5.1 Any member of staff, volunteer or SWSS affiliate reported by a parent/responsible adult will be suspended from the site until the incident has been investigated by the appropriate authority. The parent/responsible adult may be informed of the resolution if appropriate.
4. Parents/Responsible Adults
4.1 The parent/responsible adult has primary responsibility for the welfare and safety of the student during a live session or non-live conversation. They should be reasonably close by or available to deal with any concerns or incidents reported by the student.
4.2 If a parent/responsible adult personally witnesses or is alerted by the student to any inappropriate behaviour/language they should report the incident to SWSS to take appropriate action.
4.4 The parent/responsible adult should have no further contact with the offender involved in the incident. Any unsolicited communication from the offender should be reported to the police (if appropriate) and/or SWSS as soon as possible.
4.5 If a parent/responsible adult is alerted by the student to any inappropriate or abusive images or they witness any inappropriate or abusive images displayed by other students, members of staff, volunteers or affiliates of SWSS they should immediately report the issue to admin@swscienceschool.co.uk (or jo@swscienceschool.co.uk in the event the images originate from the first email). The parent/responsible adult should inform the UK police (if appropriate) and (in all cases) SWSS of the incident to ensure that any recordings can be preserved and made available to any police investigation.
4.8 The offender will be suspended from the site until the incident has been investigated by the appropriate authority. The parent/responsible adult will be informed of the resolution if appropriate.
5. Director/Management Southwest Science school Services
5.1 The Safeguarding procedures of the SWSS website and services are the responsibility of the Managing Director.
5.2 Any report of a contravention of the Safeguarding procedure will be reviewed by SWSS, who may engage independent Child Protection consultants to ensure that an appropriate course of action is taken.
5.3 Any incident reported to SWSS shall be reviewed as soon as possible to ensure a timely resolution.
5.4 If a report concerns minor breach of the safeguarding procedure, SWSS can make a decision as to appropriate action which may include barring the reported person from using the SWSS services
5.5 If a report is received by SWSS which concerns the immediate safety of a student or any illegal activity during a tutorial session, they will be required to contact UK police and report the incident.
Other important sources of information include:
The Education Act 2002 (Section 175/157)
Section 26, The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (Prevent Duty).
What to do if you are worried a child is being abused. This link provides detailed
information for parents and carers, and organisations on issues such as, online
safeguarding and safeguarding adults https://www.lancashiresafeguarding.org.uk/
Working together online – a guide to interagency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children
Working Together to Safeguard Children: July 2018 http://www.workingtogetheronline.co.uk/resources.html
Local Government Association https://www.local.gov.uk/topics/social-care-health- and-integration/adult-social-care/safeguarding-resources
www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/pages/vulnerable-people- abuse-safeguarding.aspx
NSPCC https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/safeguarding-child-protection/
The Children Act 1989 and 2004
Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, September 2023)
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.
Special educational needs and disability (SEND) code of practice: 0-25 years. HM Government 2014
Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 (Section 74, Serious Crime Act 2015)
Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges (DfE March 2023)
The General Data Protection Regulation (2018)