SEP 24 - JUNE 26
03/09/2024 Cells (term 1 lesson 1)
10/09/2024 Stem cells (lesson 2)
17/09/2024 Diffusion (lesson 3)
24/09/2024 Osmosis (lesson 4)
31/09/2024 Active transport (lesson 5)
08/10/2024 Bones (lesson 6)
15/10/2024 Muscle (lesson 7)
22/10/2024 Hormones (lesson 8)
05/11/2024 Kidneys (lesson 9)
12/11/2024 Nervous system (lesson 10)
19/11/2024 Brain disease (lesson 11)
26/11/2024 The ear (lesson 12)
03/12/2024 The eye (lesson 13)
10/12/2024 Mental illness and drugs (lesson 14)
17/12/2024 End of term 1 test (end of term 1 folder)
07/01/2025 Heart (term 2 lesson 1)
14/01/2025 Blood (lesson 2)
21/01/2025 White blood cells (lesson 3)
28/01/2025 Temperature control (homeostasis) (lesson 4)
04/02/2025 Bacterial infectious diseases and antibiotics (lesson 5)
11/02/2025 Viral infectious disease (lesson 6)
25/02/2025 Fungal and protozoan infectious diseases (lesson 7)
04/03/2025 Sewage treatment (lesson 8)
11/03/2025 Mitosis (lesson 9)
18/03/2025 Biological molecules (lesson 10)
25/03/2025 Diet and BMI (lesson 11)
01/04/2025 Food hygiene (term 3 lesson 1)
HOLIDAY HOMEWORK --> End of term 2 test (end of term 2 folder)
21/04/2025 Teeth, decay and hygiene (lesson 2)
29/04/2025 Energy in food (lesson 3)
06/05/2025 Digestive enzymes (lesson 4)
13/05/2025 Alimentary canal (lesson 5)
20/05/2025 Controlling blood glucose (homeostasis) (lesson 6)
03/06/2025 Enzymes in industry (lesson 7)
10/06/2025 Respiration (lesson 8)
11/06/2025 Ventilation (lesson 9)
22/06/2025 Gas exchange in humans (lesson 10)
01/07/2025 Transcription and translation (lesson 11)
08/07/2025 Genetic diagrams (lesson 12)
15/07/2025 Mutations and gene therapy (lesson 13)
22/07/2025 Genetic engineering (lesson 14)
HOLIDAY HOMEWORK --> End of term 3 test (A leaderboard will be held over the Summer)
--> MARKED Teacher assessed predicted grade (in the same folder as the test)
08/09/2025 Haemophilia and colour blindness (term 4 lesson 1)
15/09/2025 Meiosis and variation (lesson 2)
22/09/2025 Reproductive systems (lesson 3)
29/09/2025 Growth and development (lesson 4)
06/10/2025 Menstrual cycle and contraception (lesson 5)
13/10/2025 Fertility, pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding (lesson 6)
20/10/2025 End of term 4 test
03/11/2025 Practicals in exam (work through files in term 5 lesson 1 independently)
10/11/2025 Practical test 1 MARKED (lesson 1)
17/11/2025 Practical test 2 MARKED (lesson 1)
24/11/2025 Revise term 1 independently
01/12/2026 Compete in our term 1 leaderboard quiz (lesson 2)
08/12/2026 Revise term 2 independently
15/12/2026 Compete in our term 2 leaderboard quiz (lesson 3)
06/01/2025 Revise term 3 independently
13/01/2025 Compete in our term 3 leaderboard quiz (lesson 4)
20/01/2025 Revise term 4 independently
27/01/2025 Compete in our term 4 leaderboard quiz (lesson 5)
03/02/2025 Name, give, list, state, describe and explain questions
10/02/2025 Design questions
24/02/2025 Discuss and evaluate questions
03/03/2025 Full paper 1 practice (untimed and open book). Repeat the same paper timed and closed book.
10/03/2025 Full paper 1 practice (untimed and open book). Repeat the same paper timed and closed book.
17/03/2025 PAPER 1 MARKED (try closed book and timed, but don't worry if you need untimed and open book)
24/03/2025 Full paper 2 practice (untimed and open book). Repeat the same paper timed and closed book.
31/03/2025 Full paper 2 practice (untimed and open book). Repeat the same paper timed and closed book.
07/04/2025 PAPER 2 MARKED (try closed book and timed, but don't worry if you need untimed and open book)
14/04/2025 Respond to feedback from paper 1 marking. Fill in gaps in knowledge. Try another past paper.
21/04/2025 Respond to feedback from paper 1 marking. Fill in gaps in knowledge. Try another past paper.
28/04/2025 Respond to feedback from paper 2 marking. Fill in gaps in knowledge. Try another past paper.
05/05/2025 Respond to feedback from paper 2 marking. Fill in gaps in knowledge. Try another past paper.
EXAM SEASON BEGINS! Please find exam dates as they are released here.
Week commencing